Brecken had an uneventful week. John and I joke that we are in the home stretch, but we know that this phase may take the longest. He is still at 3 on his Vapotherm, but he seems to be breathing a lot better. When we go see him he is able to drink around 40 cc's from a bottle and he is usually wide awake when we show up. Last night he was rather comical. He would smile, pucker his lips and stick out his tongue. The doctor's say the only thing holding him back right now our his lungs.

You may not recognize this is John with a haircut;)

Brecken taking a bottle from John for the first time!

One of John's co-workers had this hat made for Brecken.

His car seat finally arrived in the mail, Austin (John's 3 year-old nephew) keeps sitting in it. He says that it is his new car seat.
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